Pricing options

Students can choose from either a thirty or sixty day subscription.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Autumn Time

    • Score for Autumn Time

    • Learn Autumn Time with Euan

    • Sing Autumn Time with Euan, El, Katie, Blake, Jonny and Greg

  • 2

    Buongiorno mia cara - Good morning my dear

    • Learn Buongiorno Mia Cara with Euan

    • The Score

    • About Buongiorno

    • Sing Buongiorno mia cara with Euan, Andrea and Blake

    • Performing Buongiorno Mia Cara

  • 3

    The Winter Carol - Caroline Shaw

    • Learn The Winter Carol with Andrea

    • The Winter Carol by Caroline Shaw - Score

    • Sing The Winter Carol with Andrea, Greg and Katie

  • 4

    Rosen Fra Fyn - Danish Round

    • Learn Rosen Fra Fyn with Greg

    • The Score and Translation